Made a mini dessert maker game

I’m learning Java Script and to try and make it as fun as possible I made a little game with my sweets drawings.

Check out the mini game

The game is simple: you pick 3 ingredients and mix them together to try and make one of the nine possible desserts. It made me think about how to check which ingredients were mixed, what dessert they correspond to, tracking the overall score and the number of discovered, resetting the ingredients entirely or removing only one of them…

I still have a couple of things to add (like the illustration when no desserts are made), and I want to add two more features at a later point if I feel like it. For now, I’m letting this rest so I can move on to other things.

You can also check out the sweets illustrations on their own in the gallery.

There’s not much other news. I’m still drawing the comic (currently working on page 10) and I finished the rough first draft of book 4.