An art thief returns

Few years ago I got a DM on Twitter how someone stole my art, and I think they’re back.

It’s 5 in the morning and I can’t sleep so I might as well write. The cat is confused because this human usually sleeps at this time, but this was the peak of my week so I have to share it.

For some context, I’ve been on a wild ride since the end of August. Got sick right at the beginning of September and only got a bit better today. In the meantime I had to work, take care of 3 sick family members (who I got the cold and fever from in the end, thanks), found an old unread email where someone basically yelled at me, had a call with one client while sick and another client ask me for a visual urgently which I designed pronto only for him to ghost me (he’ll return on Monday), thankfully talked with some nice people (Ilija, Ana, Ogla <3) and then got to Friday.

Friday midnight to be precise, which is actually Saturday but whatever.

I open up my email…

(This is the theme of the whole month…) Anyway, in the spam folder, I find an email that was sent to me all the way back in August. From a person writing to inform me how someone DM-ed them to show them their portfolio but when they clicked on it, they recognised my art. (I will be figuring out how to report this on ArtStation later, don’t worry.)

I am not upset. When I was a teen I drew Disney fanart for some kids and they sold it for pennies to their grandparents so they could buy ice cream. I had my fanart reposted on Instagram and Pinterest. I had someone steal my fanart and try to sell it on mugs. (Ha! You fool. As if someone would buy that shit.) I even had someone try to sell their comic drawing services by using my pages in 2021 (and I think it was this exact same person because it’s the same pages; I can’t find the screenshots from Discord I was sent back then but I remember already laughing about the whole thing at that point).

People claiming my shit as their own is nothing new.

Then why did I make this post? Because I saw the email. I saw the ArtStation profile. I saw it was my art. And then I clicked on the projects.

Behold, the captions (that have nothing to do with the actual comic plot).

I found these two hours ago. I’m still laughing and I hope it got a chuckle out of you too because…

People like us don’t have people, we are people people have.