To sum up this post – I’m taking a long break from comics.
I am going through some life issues, such as looking for a new job and some personal matters I won’t discuss online. So I currently don’t have the energy and the motivation it takes to put in the time and effort it takes to make comics.
Comics have been something I both enjoyed making and struggled with for the most of my life. There were times when I gave up, pressured by people around me who told me my art and stories were shit. There were times I lost interest. I always went back to it, though. Because I simply love doing it.
But, after years of chasing the dream, all the ups and downs of several Instagram and other social media accounts since 2018 (with all the negativity they impart on us and the toll they take) – I think it’s time to take a break from it all. For the past few weeks I have been asking myself “why am I making comics” and “who am I making them for”.
“Should I just quit?”
So the time came to take a break.