Drawing book 4, as much as this heat will allow

The comic is still on hiatus, but I’m back to drawing Book 4 and here are two of the pages from the beginning of it.

Norrim and Stijn will arrive in Gorblath, and Kiln, Samar and Reniard will find themselves in Western Amberlands at the beginning of the next chapter of my story. I still don’t have the ETA on when the comic will fully return. Most probably when I have all of the pages drawn and lettered, then I can slowly color it and post episodes as I go.

The break I had helped me put everything in perspective. And while I have some plans for the future, and I’m working on certain things in my business and private life, I’m not going to talk about it in this post. The biggest decision I had to make was that my comics and writing will go no further than being a hobby I have in my free time.

The plan for the comic is to slowly work on it over the years to come. The mini comics I had scripts for will become short stories with illustrations. Two are already on the comic website, and two I’m still working on. One is a bit difficult to figure out how to translate into a short story from a comic script.

Waiting for the summer to end

I’m really sluggish when the temperatures hit over 30°C. And today I was reminded why I don’t draw as much during this time, when the heat of my iPad became a bit unbearable while inking page 5 of Blood Bound book 4.

Years ago, this wasn’t a problem because I would usually draw around midnight (that was the only free time I had). But these days I’m not that productive, and even if I stay awake that long it’s usually to read or wind down. So I’m kind of on a vacation from drawing until the temperatures cool down a bit.

Autumn is my favourite season. I can’t wait for the raid, the cold, the fallen leaves. I’m usually the most creative and productive in this period. Can’t wait for it to come and for my brain to start working again.